More than anyone Plenty Coups was responsible for the U.S. Army having a supply of Indian scouts. Plenty Coups was the principal chief of the Crows during the later stages of the Plains Wars. It was he who decided to ally his people with the U.S. Army and cooperate with them. As such they fought against traditional enemies, Sioux, Arapahoes and Cheyenne. When he was nine one of this brothers was killed by the Sioux, creating a life long enmity. Crow scouts were attached to General George Armstrong Custer and some of them died at Little Big Horn. Plenty Coups encouraged his people to farm. He himself opened a store so his people would have fair prices. He visited Washington, D.C. several times. During WWI he encouraged his young people to join the military, and thereby forfeit the idleness and alcoholism on the reservation. He represented all Native Americans at the dedication of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
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