Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Book of Mormon External Evidences: Documentary Review: Lehi in Arabia

 Lehi in Arabia: In Search of Nephi's Bountiful, An Aston Production, 2015

Warren Aston, independent researcher

Written by Chad Aston, narrated by Scot Facer Proctor, 

The journey of Lehi and his family followed the Red Sea and the Incense Route.  zthere is a valley and river that would satisfy the description of the Valley of Laman and River of Lemuel.  It is about 20 days journey from Jerusalem.  

The Book of Mormon documents that Ishmael passed away and was buried at a place called Nahom.  The land of Nahom is where Nephi said it would be in his narrative.  However maps did not date back to 600 bc when Lehi traveled through the area.  In 1997 an altar was discovered with the letters NHM (Nahom) and was dated to 900 BC.  We have physical archeological evidence of the Book of Mormon.

From Nahom the group traveed nearly eastward in the wilderness to reach Bountiful.  Warren Ashton studied many different locations using the criteria he had taken from Nephi's text as to the criteria for Bountiful.  Khor Rori was given as the likely place for Bountiful.  However Warren Ashton, in his studies did not think it fit.  Khor Rori was habited at the time and it appeared Bountiful was uninhabited necessitating the help of Laman and Lemuel to build a boat.  Ashton stumbled onto another place in 1989 Khor Kharfot.  Over they years Ashton has concluded that this site meets all the scriptural criteria:

Nearly Eastward from Nahom

Interior Access, There is a goat trail whih could have been traveled by families with small children.  It is a canyon pass that starts about 24 miles form the ocean.

Wider fertility. five month monsoon period with much fruit and money

Coastal Location, The area is on the coast and initially accessed from the sea.  However it is generally hidden from the ocean due to a sand bar.

Much fruit and honey, tamarind, figs, dates, honey

Timber several types of trees could have been used in ship building, primarily tamarind which is a very hard and durable wood.  Other types are also available.  

Fresh water, a large permanent flow of water

Prominent Mount, There is available beech camping but also evidence of people having lived in the hills close by.  It is likely the group first lived in tents on the beech then moved to the mountains above the cliff,

Cliffs If they were living on the cliffs, Laman and Lemuel could have thrown Nephi off the cliffs into the sea.

Ore and flint A couple veins of ore have been discovered and flint with which to make fire.

No resident population. As mentioned there is only minor archeological evidence of habitation in the past.  With the land being fertile, and having plentiful water it seems people would have been living there; but for the most part it was hidden from the world.

Ocean Access and currents, the video indicates how a counter current with El Nino winds takes place every few years and could have carried them to the west coast of South America.  However the prevailing current goes the other way around Africa and then to the Mediterranean or North America.

There is a likely spot for Nephi's Bountiful.  There is evidence for the Book of Mormon.  This documentary concludes that more study is needed; but 30 years ago this part of the story was not documented

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