Sunday, April 21, 2013

Movie Review: ****^Treasure in Heaven: The John Tanner Story

This is a 2009 movie released by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  It was directed by T.C. Christensen.  This movie follows John Tanner from his conversion to his death.  It follows a couple themes.  The first is that of consecration.  John Tanner gave his all to the kingdom of God.  He said, "Any many who would look back from the plow is not worthy of the kingdom of God."  He sacrifices, and sacrifices and sacrifices.  In a very real sense, he saved the Kirtland Temple from foreclosure, and was present for the inauguration and all the spiritual experiences that came with it.
The other theme I find in this movie recurs over and over in the  scriptures.  When God has a need, he will raise up someone to meet the need.  He did this with Joseph, with Moses, with Joseph Smith,  and with so any others.  I think he also does this with us, although perhaps on a smaller scale.  There are times when we are raised up for the benefit of a family member, a friend, a ward or some other purpose.  May we be prepared for these occasions.
Great movie.  Available through You Tube

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