Saturday, September 21, 2013

Mormon Video: The Work and Designs of God

This movie starts in Smithfield, as a young man, and recent immigrant to Utah, is hired to help work on a farm.  His name is William Pilkington.  (I knew some Pilkingtons from Cache Valley.)  He finds more than he had expected at the home where he is to stay the summer.  It is the home of Martin Harris.  Martin Harris tells of his dealings with the Book of Mormon, as witness to the book,  The title of the movie refers to the revelation Joseph received.  D&C 3: 1 "The works, and the designs, and the purposes of God cannot be frustrated, neither can they come to naught."  Joseph received revelation that the pages had been stolen, and then changed by evil men, so as to prove the work false.  To thwart this effort, instead of retranslating the same place, the Small Plates of Nephi were used to tell this part of the story.  Martin was not allowed to assist in the translating after this, but Oliver Cowdery served as scribe.
Martin Harris concludes his story with his testimony of the veracity of the Book of Mormon.  "As sure as the sun is shining, I know that the book of Mormon is true."

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