Sunday, September 11, 2016

Documentary Review: Saint of 9/11

This documentary tells the story of Father Mychal Judge, who was a New York Fire Department chaplain, and died on 9/11 when the first tower fell.  His body was carried from the wreckage.  This documentary tells Mychal's story and influence of his life.  He reached out to the poor and destitute of New York.  He had a fire department car, which he would pack with items for the poor and homeless.  His most important work was among those with HIV and AIDS.  He was a mostly closeted gay man himself, and when he heard of the AIDS HIV related disease, he found a new mission in lift, from which he was not dissuaded.  The story is punctuated with a mass given by the father on September 10 to a group of fireman.  The next day the World Trade Center fell.
This documentary is narrated by Ian McKlellan

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