Sunday, June 28, 2015

Martin Handcart Pioneer: Albert Jones, 16

While Albert was attending boarding school, his mother and half brother were converted to the Gospel.  Mother of course talked to others about the gospel and news of this spread at the school.  Others at the school took every opportunity to dissuade Albert by placing negative articles about the church on his desk.  However he was one of the older boys, and large at that, so other students didn't tease him.  After he knocked a boy over for calling him "Old Joe Smith" all teasing stopped.  His father had refused him baptism, so when he went to visit his father after his baptism, in a happy manner revealing he had been baptized, his father went to strike him with a book, but in the end restrained himself.  A year later, he immigrated with his mother, older brother and half brother.  They had to bid their father goodbye which was painful for Albert.  Albert's father loved his boys, but he lost his family as he was unwilling to listen the the gospel.
Alberts says between guarding stock at night, and pulling handcarts all day, the load began to tell on the men.  Albert had some conflict with Brother Tyler (asst. Company leader) and Edward Martin (company captain).  However time healed this anger.  While traveling he carried a large piece of buffalo tripe, from which he would eat to stave off hunger pains.  He remembers Brother Joseph Young coming to their rescue at Red Buttes.  He had a whit mule, with a blue over coat which was loose and flapped as he rode.  It gave the appearance he was flying.  They were reanimated with the first  rescuers and singing and traveling again.  Albert was certain his brother would have died if not for the rescuing effort of Ephraim Hanks.

Taken from "Tell My Story Too, Jolene S. Allphin

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